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Time to Mourn

"The event in your life that you are finding difficult to release... you are the pivotal point of it. Because your thinking and especially your feeling nature get involved, it makes for a very sticky situation in the ethers, very sticky indeed. So how does one deal with that?

               First of all, if it is a sad event, give yourself time to mourn. All yourself to reminisce. Allow yourself to ask why. Allow yourself the time to mull over and to work it through and to just be with it. The reason for that is, if you say, ‘Oh, I am not going to let it bother me,’ and put it from you and throw yourself into all manner of activity where you don’t allow yourself time or energy to think, it doesn’t go away. It si9mply hides and when you least expect it, it will come back. But if you honor it, honor your feelings and allow yourself the time to deal with it, to think it through, to let the feelings be there, then they spend their energy, as it were. They are not caught in being locked up somewhere, like a spirited horse put in a stall and left. They run themselves out.

               Then when you say, ‘All right, I have had enough. It is time for me to go on with my life. It is time for me to pick up the pieces and move on,’ there is not this ball of thick, sticky energy sticking to you. Now when you let it go, it goes. It releases and drifts off. Because you have allowed it to spend itself, the energy becomes weaker and weaker and weaker.

               But you say, ‘I don’t feel any better.’ You will. Only when you hold it to you through regret or anger or sorrow or whatever, will it not leave you. But when you know you have had enough and you are willing to let it go, it will go.”

10/23/2024 Blog. Archangel Gabriel, THE ENERGY BEHIND EVENTS, September 5, 1997, Pg. 10-11. Copyright © Springwell Metaphysical Studies 1997. All rights reserved. To purchase this booklet, contact: Photo: (c) Banprik |

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