"Truth is truth. The difference is in the ability of the consciousness to take it in. People take in truth on different levels... so it isn't that the truth is different... it's that your understandings are different. Why isn't there every seat in here filled... because not everyone is ready: 1) to believe that I can do what I do; 2) to be willing to let go of the barriers and of the error perceptions that they have harbored and nurtured for so long. People upon a Spiritual path are frequently unwilling to live their truth. They are more intent upon hanging on and being right, than they are upon being ... letting go and learning and growing."
03/28/2025 Blog. Archangel Gabriel, CONSCIOUSLY PLANNING YOUR LIFE, Pg. 97. Copyright 2016 Sacred Garden Fellowship. All rights reserved. To purchase this book, please click on this link.