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Merry Christmas

Archangel Gabriel appeared to Mary announcing that she was with Child
Archangel Gabriel appeared to Mary announcing that she was with Child

We [spirits] celebrate Christmas differently over here. We gather by the thousands in one place to see and hear Mother Mary and Gabriel tell of her encounter with the Archangel and to be shown how he awakened Mary’s Christ Center by opening her awareness to that which was within her – the living Presence of God. Thus her consciousness was joined to God’s in a union of such grace as to produce All Encompassing Love, boundless, a Christ Consciousness so pure it could manifest a form – Yeshua.

After this is shown and explained, Yeshua tells us what it is like to have such an awareness of God that you cannot be deceived by the ego. There comes an awakening of Eternal Life that erases all fear of death.

Once the fear of being destroyed is gone, you have the strength and courage to face anything, for you know there will never be a time when you will not exist. You are filled with the energy of life which is all around you and you can love without fear. So you love your enemies because you do not see anyone who can harm you.

Then those who have demonstrated the first murmurings of their own Christ come forward and receive a blessing from Yeshua. Those still in physical bodies, who have experienced their Christ awakening, are also recognized and receive profound spiritual blessings from Yeshua. It is also powerful and beautiful to receive a blessing that causes every ounce of spiritual joy to fill you so that your very Soul sings. Merry Christmas.

12/22/2024 Blog. L.V.C., IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, December 24,2017. Rev. Penny Donovan, MOONLIGHT WISDOM, Pg. 67. Copyright 2018 Rev. Penny Donovan. All rights reserved. To buy this book,please click here. Photo:(c) Welburnstuart |

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