"Then it (i.e. knowingness after meditating) filters into the emotional body of you. While it is in your mental body, it takes away anxiety, fear, confusion, the feeling of 'I don't know what to do', the feeling of indecision. All of these things become lesser because they are not a truth. That which you have brought back with you is truth, pure crystal truth. So it has to eliminate that which is not truth.
Now it comes into the emotional body. At that point, it takes away the illusion of separateness because the feeling of being separated is what causes you emotional pain. It is that which causes you to fancy that you are not loved. It is that which causes you to feel alone, loneliness, abandonment, bereft of any form of comfort. Anybody here not been there?
As it comes into the emotional body, it brings with it the profound feeling of acceptance, and that acceptance is born of you. You no longer concern yourself as to whether you are accepted by another. You know you are accepted by God. You accept yourself because you are the only one who cannot accept yourself. It is impossible for another to not accept you. They are not you. So any feeling of rejection that you project out unto another is your rejection of yourself, and you perceive it to come from another person. Now this that reaches down into your emotional body heals that feeling for then you become aware of a profound sense of love. You perceive that profound sense of love as being within yourself. And guess who you love the most? You.
Now it comes down into the physical body and it heals the cells and the molecules of that body. For all that healing is, is the acceptance of Divine Love in every portion of your being. Each time you meditate, you do this. Each time you go through releasing the body, releasing the feelings, releasing the mind, and going into that center of sacredness that is you, when you bring your awareness back into your three-dimensional world, you have been transformed.
This is not a feeling that is going to suddenly burst upon you. It is a feeling that you gradually become aware of because it is a gentle flowing. It is a gentle cleansing. It is a gentleness that enwraps you and takes away all of the garbage that you have created and wrapped yourselves in. It releases the truth of you into your consciousness and that is the only thing that has separated you all of this time. It is your refusal to allow that truth of your being to become a conscious thing. On the one hand, you pursue it ardently, and on the other hand, you flee from it.
These meditations gently restore you to that state where every part of you becomes aware of God. In that awareness, you come to realize that you are what you have been seeking. I can see in the ethers over your heads that is a difficult thing for you to accept. Some of you are thinking that is self worship and so forth. That is not what I am talking about. I am talking about removing the barriers that you have created that cause you to believe that you are separate from God.
Anybody here believe that God is not everywhere present? If He were everywhere present, than why isn't be present within you? If He be present within you, coming to love you is coming to love God, is it not? Now think on this. This in no way takes away from the God of your past. It in no way depreciates the value of the Christ. If anything, it enhances it because it causes you to become aware of what you are within you.
In your meditations, there is no such thing as a bad meditation. There is no such thing as a meditation that doesn't bring you where you need to be....Daily meditation is the most valuable spiritual truth that you can live. For only in that will you come to know the Father and thus to know yourselves. As you limitations fall away, and they will, you will realize that, as I have ever taught you, knowing God is the simplest thing. It is just a matter of letting go of all of the reasons you have created why you shouldn't know Him, and you have created a lot of fancy things, I can tell you. Some of them are absolutely hilarious. Others are sad. But they are all illusions, every one."
11/24/2024 Blog. Archangel Gabriel, THE IMPORTANCE OF MEDITATION, June 6, 1993, Pgs. 9-11. Copyright 1993. Rev. Penny Donovan. All rights reserved.