“Questioner: What was the reasoning and the purpose from his [i.e. Hitler’s] point of view in coming into the world and being an agent for the turmoil that happened?
Gabriel: To bring to the awareness of others. There were a lot of things going on in Europe at that time that your Western world didn’t even know about, a lot of atrocities that were going on. In order to cleanse that and bring it out into the open, as it were, there were those souls who chose to sacrifice themselves in order that others might be free of the tyranny that went on in the world of Europe. Back then, the average person had no right in any country over there, no rights at all.
The other thing, the consciousness of the Hebrew people has ever been one of suffering, one of misunderstanding, one of expecting to be put upon. Now they are changing their thinking. Now they are taking places of power. They are beginning to use their own God-right. The other thing too, people back then took the attitude that if it isn’t happening to me, it is none of my business. The world needed to be awakened to the fact that the world is everybody’s business. Before that, it was not thought so. If your neighbor was having a terrible time and it didn’t affect you, you sort of wished them well and left it be.
But through that, there came an awareness of the suffering of people and there needed to be a change of consciousness on all levels regarding suffering. Hitler sort of brought all of that to a point. He gathered what one would term the evils thereof and placed them in a position to be destroyed. That was one of his purposes.
Questioner: So, from a higher perspective, he was operating from a high good?
Gabriel: No, no! His mental body was almost completely wrapped in the emotion of power. He wanted power. Because his mental body couldn’t function well, because it was so tangled in the vibrational need for power, he had to be in power. He also knew enough about the occult to conjure up and to draw energy and to pull that energy into a working vibrational rate that he would manipulate. He had some of the best sorcerers in the world at his beck and call and he used them. But he didn’t reckon with the power of ultimate good and neither did anyone working with him. It was a very insane time upon your earth in which the mentality was totally out of control.
Questioner: …What did this do for his own spiritual state?
Gabriel: I dare not even to guess how long a time it caused him to have karma to work out. Not all of the awful deeds were perpetrated by him. In fact, he himself alone didn’t do anything, but he propagated it along. A lot of the things that were done were not by his orders. They were simply the workings of the minds who worked with him and for him.
Questioner: …I was thinking about the previous discussion of Hitler’s era. It seems to me that was a phenomena of abuse that was so pervasive and severe that it seems equivalent in our contemporary time. Could you help me understand how this fits in our evolution?
Gabriel: A lot of what is being brought forth upon the earth now is the karmic out-picturing of the actions taken not only then but of all the past centuries back. This is the dividing. History has come to this point and here that aspect stops. The abuse, the Hitlers, the crusaders, or anything you can think of that brought about abuse, the abuse against the American native people, all of that has come to this time in space where it is over. It ends here. From this point on there has to be a healing, a releasing, a letting go of. So you have coming into the earth now people who were perpetrators of this.
Now they have come and they meet here a pureness. Although it isn’t visible to your eyes at this time, the earth is becoming very pure. It is becoming. It hasn’t gotten there yet. They have come in at this point of transition here where they old is no more. Now they are coming into where they will meet within themselves the realization of what they did in terms of their lack of respect of life and love and the presence of God, their lack of recognition of the holiness of life manifested in a person.
Here we come to a time where guilt presents itself most profoundly. So what does one do when one is guilt-ridden? One seeks to be punished, does one not? So what is one going to choose? Are they going to choose a life full of happiness, flowers, little creatures, everything wonderous indeed? No. They are going to bring with them this need on their part to be found out, to be punished, to be dealt with, for many, many thousands of people who did these terrible things never were caught. They never were in any way recognized as such. They went about and they lived their lives in this country, other countries around the world, and were accepted as normal people. They made their transition and now they are coming back.
Here they come into a time when there comes a purity. War is becoming less. Opportunities, if you will, of atrocities are becoming less. Now, what happens? Way on the other side of the world, within seconds, the action is known all over the world. No longer can they hide for there are tracking devices that are almost invisible. So their punishment cannot come through the law of the land, as it were. You can’t take a four-year-old and say, ‘Ah-ha, I know you were in the German concentration camps and you did terrible things to the Jewish people.’
However, there is the karmic wheel. What goes around, comes around. So, on the earth they are scot-free, but on the ethers above there comes the pendulum swinging the other way now. So they are going to choose a life in which they will feel that they have to pay their dues. I am not saying that every child who is abused was a perpetrator in another lifetime. That isn’t so. But many, many of them are coming back to face a karma.
Questioner: Could that be why some of these people who present themselves now as adults have more perpetrator energy and some don’t? Some seem like very submissive, passive victims, but some are acting out aggression in other ways?
Gabriel: Indeed. The ones who are acting out aggression are the ones who were leaders, the ones who said go do this, go do that. The ones who are passive and victim-like are the ones who had to do it because those were their orders, but their heart wasn’t in it. Therefore the fight is gone out of them and they come in more on a wretchedness rather than in a fighting way.
Questioner: How can I be helpful and bring healing to these people…?
Gabriel: First of all, let them have a spiritual vomiting. …Let them get it all out. Even if it takes them a few years, let them get it all out. Then, as one would do each time one vomited, one would offer something to settle the stomach. So then you go in with your words and your counseling and you settle just a little bit, just what has been vomited. Then the next purging comes and you go in with a little more, and the next and a little more, until after a while, there is nothing left in there to vomit. Then you can go in with the complete healing because then it would be accepted.
Questioner: So, this is all a part of the larger transformation of our civilization as well.
Gabriel: Indeed it is."
03/02/2025 Blog. Archangel Gabriel, QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS, June 8, 1996, Pgs. 44-49. Copyright 1997 Springwell Metaphysical Studies. All rights reserved.