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Five Dimensions of Reality

"The first dimension ... It would be like a singular line that goes from this direction to that direction, nowhere else. Two-dimensional would be like a line that would go crosswise to the first, so one dimensional would be this way (up and down) and this way (across). Now, three dimensional has breadth and length, This is the world in which you dwell upon the earth... Only in three-dimensional can you make a sphere... a ball. Now, the fourth dimension interprets all of the other three. It is the vibrational rate which reaches out forever and ever. It is that which flows. It is action, movement, never ceasing, always becoming.

The fifth dimension is the source from which the substance of every other dimension beneath it comes. There is nothing, no object in your three-dimensional world, that does not have its source from the fifth dimension. The idea of it is in the fifth dimension. That idea is pulled upon through the ethers by someone's mind calling it forth. It comes into the fourth dimension which is movement, action. Because it is movement ever expressing itself, it vibrates outward. Now, as that vibration slows, it comes into three-dimensional form. That is what makes things solid.

Oh, you have a good experience of that with your steam, your water, and your ice. It is all the same substance, just vibrating at a different rate. If you take an ice cube... and you warm it, you make its vibrations go more becomes water. If you go even becomes steam, until finally you perceive that you cannot see it. Now, if you take that and you reverse it, that is the way bringing things forth into the physical world works, simply slowing the vibration."

05/28/2023 Blog. Archangel Gabriel, MANIFESTING, Pgs. 72-74. Copyright © 2019 Rev. Penny Donovan. All rights reserved. Photo by Sherry Snook. To buy this book, please click here.


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