"Anger is a strange thing. It wears many faces and one of those faces is depression. And depression is also a strange thing. It's a very subtle thing. People usually get well into it before they recognize it. It's one of those things that sort of creeps up on you and doesn't even let you know it's there until it has its roots deeply embedded in your psyche, and then you become aware that you are depressed.
One of the symptoms of depression is a lack of caring. 'I don't care. If you want to do that, you go right ahead. I don't care. I don't care.' The other is an abiding sorrow that seems to have no basis, a sadness that doesn't ever seem to get better, a feeling of deep grief without there being an external purpose behind it.
That is anger, unexpressed as anger, but nonetheless it is anger and its roots lie in the realization that you have to be forgiven. It doesn't matter if you don't know what for. Most people have not a clue. You don't actually have to be forgiven for anything but because you believe you do, that is your awareness. And even though you don't think, 'I was a terrible, so therefore God must forgive me,' you may not even consciously have any connection with that, but underneath in the pot of your soul, there is the belief that somewhere, sometime, you did the unforgivable.
Now, because it isn't necessary for you to know it, all that is necessary is for you to be aware of that feeling in here in the soul. Now is when you listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit and you ask the Holy Spirit to come in and to intervene in your life and to take from you that which you do not see.
Now that takes many steps. It isn't a single step. Now, the Holy Spirit comes instantly. The moment it is invited, it is there. But most people go through a series. They ask the Holy Spirit to come and for a whole things get better. Then things get worse again because, as I said, the ego will call up things.
But the other reason things get not so good anymore is because you take back from the Holy Spirit that which you have given. You say, 'Come and help me,' and then you say, 'No, don't help me.' Now you don't consciously say, 'No, don't help me.' Sometimes you are working outwardly very hard at being helped but inwardly you are not releasing to the Holy Spirit's power the grief, the anger that you are holding on to and so it will reoccur. When it reoccurs, simply ask again. Choose again to have the Holy Spirit come and take it from you."
5/1/2022 Blog. Archangel Gabriel, INTRODUCTION TO PRACTICAL SPIRITUALITY, Pgs. 109-111. Copyright © 2017 Rev. Penny Donovan. All rights reserved.