Gabriel: “Nothing, nothing is ever lost; you never lose anything. I know that sounds strange for those of you who constantly misplace your car keys, but you truly never lose anything. Let me show you what happens.
Here is the situation and here are the levels of vibration in any situation, and it doesn’t matter whether you’re here or here or where you are. [Illustration with “Situation” at the top, “You” under it, four unnamed levels under “you”, and a downward arrow from “you” pointing to “fear” at the bottom.] The highest point at which you can be is where everything comes together for you for good.
When you drop your attention down into fear, what happens? You’re pulling in energy on a fear level. If you want to go back to the fulfillment of your desire, it’s still up there. You haven’t lost it; you left it. You’ve come down. You’ve descended down into the lower vibration – into fear, into doubt, into ‘maybes,’ into ‘what ifs,’ into ‘I can’t’ – but the original idea is still there. It didn’t go away. You have to take your attention back up into that state of awareness where it first began. It’s the same thing as going up into your Divine Mind. It’s the very same thing.
When you feel you’ve lost the feeling for it, when you’ve lost the excitement of it, when you think, ‘Oh, I don’t know. Maybe this isn’t such a good idea,’ you can know that you left that state of assurance, that state of divine inspiration, and you have allowed yourself to come down into the vibratory rate of fear, which is always, always going to trap you there and keep you from accomplishing what you started out to do.
How many of you here had wonderful plans and they all went askew? You’ve had that happen, haven’t you? ‘Ah,’ but you say, ‘it wasn’t my fault. I was doing alright until so-and-so threw a monkey wrench in the whole thing. I was going to sell eggs and my husband sold the chickens.’ Guess what? He sold the chickens because, on another level, you had dropped down into fear and you were certain that the fox was going to get in the hen house and you’d have all these customers and no chickens laying eggs. So you invited him, on another level, to sell your chickens. You said to him, ‘I’m afraid of this project. I really don’t want to do it. Would you sneakily get rid of my chickens?’
‘I would be delighted to get rid of your chickens, pocket the money, and what have you.’
Now, everybody helps everybody else. You are the most helpful lot you’ve ever seen, and if somebody asked to have their grand and wonderous ideas shot full of holes, all opportunities erased, everything go wrong that could go wrong, you will find people out there who will be happy to comply. Innocently enough – they don’t do it always with ill intent – but on another level, you have agreed with them that they are going to sabotage you, because you are really afraid of doing what you started out to do.
So you’re going to have no cooperation, no opportunities, no funds, no joy in it, no nothing. It’s all going to evaporate because you’re going to have all of these little creatures with teeth manifest in the form of well-meaning relatives and friends, or sometimes people you don’t even know, that’s going to take every opportunity away from you.
But what happens, I ask, if you stay with your decision? You have the same thing going on, only it’s reversed. You have contacted people on another level and you’ve said, ‘I would desire greatly for you to help me with this. Could you do thus-and-so or would you do this and that,’ and people that you don’t even know will come in and provide that which is required for you to take the next step and the next step.
This is called miracles. But it all goes back to the one thing: staying with your decision, not wavering, not getting side-tracked, not getting fearful, not allowing the past to come up and bite you in the rear.
Have you ever noticed that truly, truly successful people are the ones who are the quickest to help someone else? It is the failures who hate to help other people because they are reminded constantly of their own, what they perceive to be, inabilities. But people who know the secret of success are very quick to reach out and give assistance to someone else because they know that they do not diminish themselves at all, nor do they create competitors or anything of that sort by helping another person.
Now, what have you learned thus far? To stick to your decisions?
Participant: Keep your mouth shut?
Gabriel: Keep your mouth shut indeed. You know, that is a very important thing. I know a lot of you belong to groups and you share everything from what you had for breakfast to whatever, but one of the things that is not a good idea to share is your plans for the future. Most people don’t deliberately shoot you down. Most people who do shoot you down have your highest good in mind and they’re always saying, ‘Well, I think it’s wonderful and I wish you well, but…’ and they plant the seeds of all the reasons why it shouldn’t or couldn’t or wouldn’t happen. And you have the fertile soil in your conscious mind to start a big crop of worry, and that is what you will grow… not success, but worry.
Going back up into the Higher Self of you requires something that you probably haven’t thought of. It requires you to make a decision to go into your Higher Self. Not too many people call that a decision and not too many people follow it through, but once you are on the path of a goal and once you have made up your mind that you absolutely want success, sticking to your decision requires you to have divine help. And you get that divine help by keeping in touch with your Higher Self, and that requires a decision to keep in touch with your Higher Self.”
02/23/2025 Blog. Archangel Gabriel, MANIFESTING, Pgs. 156-159. Copyright 2019 Rev. Penny Donovan. All rights reserved.