"The doorway to knowing God is the door through which you step when you meditate. I cannot emphasize to you enough the importance of daily meditation or communion with the Divine. For it is only in that way that you will leave behind you those things which hold you down, limit you, and cause you pain. It matters not how frequently you pray. It matters greatly how frequently you meditate. Prayer is when you voice your needs. The Father already knows your needs. Meditation is when you leave behind the need and enter into the answer.
First, let me explain that meditation has nothing to do with how religious you are. I care not what religion you have embraced throughout your life. That has nothing to do with any of what I am about to say to you.
When you meditate, you withdraw your attention from the five senses. Now the five senses are the vehicles through which you operate while you are in your three-dimensional world. It is through these that you know what you see, hear, taste, touch and feel. But the five senses will imprison you in your world of limitation, for from the five senses you perceive your limitations. You perceive your illnesses. You perceive those things which have gone awry in your lives. So therefore to truly meditate, one pulls one's attention from the five senses.
Now you have entered into the realm of the emotional body and that is your feeling nature. It is in the emotional body that you love and hate, that you know anger, that you feel distressed. So therefore the emotional body would also bind you to your limitations. So one must withdraw from the emotional body, That is the most difficult body to withdraw from for that is the one that clamors the loudest for your attention. That is the one that would have you believe that your whole world is there in your feelings. So one must go past it.
Now you withdraw up into the mental body and there you encounter conflicting thoughts. It is there that the mental body attacks your journey for it fears for its life. So it will place into your mind all manner and form of limitation. Thoughts such as, 'Instead of sitting here doing this, I should be out and about doing thus and so. I wonder if I left something turned on that should be turned off. I wonder if I remembered to do this or to do that. Have I forgotten to do such and such? Better I go and look.' No. Better you say to the mental body, 'Cease, be still, and do not impede my journey.'
Now you leave behind the mental body, and you enter into the essence of that which is you, your real, true self, your spirit. To know God is to become aware of that essence which is you that has nothing to do with the physical body, nothing to do with your feelings, nothing to do with your thoughts. When you leave behind these realms of limitation, you do not enter into that which is foreign to you or enter into that which is new to you. Rather, you have taken away the coverings, the veils, the sheets, the coats, whatever you care to call them, of all of the illusions that you have created. And you stand naked in the true aspect of yourselves. ...Meditation is that journey back to that time when you are aware of your at-one-ment with God and this is cosmic consciousness."
11/17/2024 Blog. Archangel Gabriel, THE IMPORTANCE OF MEDITATION, June 6, 1993, Pgs. 5-9. Copyright © 1993 Rev. Penny Donovan. All rights reserved. Photo: (c) Allexxe | Dreamstime.com To buy this booklet, contact: sherry@sacredgardenfellowship.org