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Blocks to Our Reasoning

"But what happens when you become angry? The only thing that enters (i.e. you) is the form of the anger. Whatever form that anger takes enters in and blocks your reasoning, blocks your mental energies from coming down and giving you a clear-thinking process.

It comes down into the emotional body and wreaks havoc there. Fear grows and grows and grows, until after a while it wraps itself around you and you cannot see the spiritual light of you. That is why we are ever teaching you to get rid of fear because fear is like a dark cloud that wraps about the light that you are and obliterates it.”

10/25/2024 Blog. Archangel Gabriel, THE EASTER STORY, April 11, 1993, Pg. 44. Copyright © 2016 Sacred Garden Fellowship. All rights reserved. Photo: (c) peopleimages |

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