Oct. 18th - Spiritual Lessons from the Master Teachers (2 of 2 sessions)
Tue, Oct 18
|SGF Zoom Video Conference
SGF is resuming its Spiritual Lesson series from the Master Teachers with Don Gilbert via Zoom. This is the second part of a two part series. The fee is $20 for this lesson.

Time & Location
Oct 18, 2022, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM EDT
SGF Zoom Video Conference
About The Event
These lessons were privately shared to Rev. Penny Donovan and Don Gilbert many years ago, and now Don is making selected lessons available to the public. These are incredibly powerful lessons that are still very well suited to the times we're living in now. Please join us for this spiritually uplifting event.
This is the second enstallment of two sessions. For this event, participants reconvene from the first event** (in September) to share how they applied the lessons that were taught, what worked for them, and perhaps what struggles they may have encountered. Participants can freely share and express themselves in a space of love and acceptance.
**If you happened to miss the first event and wish to take part in this one, please let us know at sacredgf@gmail.com and we can send you the lessons that were covered. Please be sure to register first.
If paying by check, please make it out to Sacred Garden Fellowship, and mail it to our address: PO Box 16304, Albany NY 12212. In addition, please email randee@sacredgardenfellowship.org so she knows you wish to register and have sent payment.
Spiritual Lessons
$20.00Sale ended