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"The first Holy Law is Love." "Love does not force or bind, nor does it go contrary to the joy of the spirit. It does not possess. Its...
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How Prayers Are Answered
“You all must enter into the power that is the Christ within you. Start today to feel it and accept it. When prayer is answered, it...
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Importance of Meditation
“Meditation cannot be known by the physical body. True meditation cannot be known by the emotional body. It is totally beyond the mental...
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Beyond Form
“As long as you are surrounded by and locked into form, you are not going to see the perfection of the spirit that is you. So how do you...
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Being One With Yourself
The only person you can ‘save’ is yourself. Personal devotion to spiritual advancement can only be done for oneself. Prayers for the...
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A Good Earth Experience
When you have asked God for something and it hasn’t happened and time goes by and you keep asking and it still doesn’t happen, then you...
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Results of Commitment
"You will only do what you choose to do in the flow of the energy of evolved awareness. Pressure from guilt or fear will be no more....
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Desiring a Certain Outcome
Gabriel: Desire is the propelling force that keeps you moving, keeps you going forward. Desire isn’t a bad thing. What should you do with...
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Spiritual Growth & Forgiveness
Experiences for Spiritual Growth Each of you has come to the earth plane basically for one purpose – to grow spiritually. That takes...
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When I say faith, I am not talking about some abstract, airy-fairy thing that God will take care of everything. “All I have to do is say...
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New Awakening
We cannot be taught what is beyond the mind. What is beyond the mind is learned only by experience. For it cannot be described by thought...
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Dealing with Difficult People
"Now, those of you who are dealing with difficult people, and some of you here are, you cannot bend their will. "'Tis not right for you...
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Your God Self
So many of you, indeed everyone of you in this room, have wonderful opportunities of teaching others just by being your God self. It is...
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Welcome Spiritual Seekers
We all reach a point in our individual spiritual journey when we seek higher knowledge. Instead of turning to earthly teachers or gurus,...
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