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The Christ & Christianity
"The Christ is an energy. It is not particular to a man, although there was a man, Jesus, who came and lived it as an example for you to...
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Angel Tears
“Miriam, please remember this lesson… It is needed to fully understand the physical world and to awaken to true spirituality. Before God...
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Divine Love
"Divine love is. It is all consuming. It is all encompassing. It is totally nonjudgmental. The sinner is loved as dearly as the saint....
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"Going back up into the Higher Self of you requires something that you probably haven’t thought of. It requires for you to make a...
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Results of Cursing
"Know you what swearing be? Cursing? Know you that that was the beginning of physical illness? Ah, you did not know that did you? You...
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Your Thinking & Manifesting
“Now, breaking a habit is easy. You have to work at it, but you can do it. And one of the best ways to do it is to watch how you think....
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Holy Spirit Guidance
"The Holy Spirit will do your deciding for you if you want it to, if you allow it to. You see... the Holy Spirit is the bridge between...
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Your Greatest Enemy
"I told you that in your world of form you get cause and effect backwards. You think you are dealing with an effect first instead of...
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What Do You Seek?
"Everyone discounts the imagination as a faitytale-like thing that little children indulge in, but the imagination is the foundation of...
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Entrapment of Your Consciousness
“The ego of you was created as a device to keep you from harming your physical bodies when you had chosen to enter upon the earth plane....
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Depression - A Strange Thing
"Anger is a strange thing. It wears many faces and one of those faces is depression. And depression is also a strange thing. It's a very...
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"He had walked all of the pathways. He had done all of the deeds and he had had all of the fears and they were all conquered and over and...
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"What is the law of cause and effect? Is it not creativity bringing into form? That is what the law of cause and effect is. There is...
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Your Homework
"For your homework, this time I would have you release one person in your acquaintanceship in love, allowing them to be whatever they are...
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Centering Yourself
"Know you how to center yourself? Know you how to bring all of your bodies in alignment, one with the other?... First of all, you know...
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When Angels Cry
“You are very slow. I do not mean you individually, but you as a collective group of humanity. You are very slow to loose yourself from...
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One of the few things that people don’t like to do is to do things for themselves. You work very hard for someone else. You will go to...
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How to Recreate Yourself
"The spirit of you spins out these vibratory rates that create a type of personality... From those types of personalities come thought...
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Releasing a Burden
“Now I want you to do a little exercise with me. I want you to close your eyes, get yourselves comfortable. I want you to close your eyes...
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State of Absolute Knowingness
“It is helpful if you do the following: Let us say that you are working with anger. When you catch yourself thinking an angry thought,...
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