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Energizing Your Physical Body
“I want to get you in tune with the movement of your vibrations. I want to do an exercise with you. Alright, I want you to become very,...
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"Love gives freely. Love cares not where it flows to. Have you not seen people, loving people, who are totally despicable in your eyes...
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Process of Healing
"In all living things, in all living things, there is a positive current that comes down and there is a negative current that transverses...
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Keeping Quiet
“Keep your mouth shut, indeed. You know, that is a very important thing. I know a lot of you belong to groups and you share everything...
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All Forgiveness
“Beloved woman, all forgiveness has to do with the self, all forgiveness. Even though it appears to you that you need to forgive somebody...
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How to Pray for Healing
"Prayers for healing start with the recognition that you are Spirit. In that spirituality you are heirs to everything that is good, holy,...
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Closeness to God
Divine love is the only love there is. It is you appropriation of divine love and your use of it that determines how you experience God....
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How the Holy Spirit Helps
“The Holy Spirit is in you. You cannot call upon the Holy Spirit and then two months later say, ‘I called upon the Holy Spirit, but it...
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To Properly Meditate
"When you use a mantra, you are tuning in to a sound. It is a sound with limitations because you are concentrating on it... You are tuned...
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Angels of Destruction
"I told you before that angels have a tremendous amount of power within the realm of their calling, and the Angels of Destruction are no...
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Feel Happiness
"Participant: ...Every day I do this certain prayer that I am thanking, but am I really doing it right if I am not feeling that...
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This is Life
"Now, this is life. Life may challenge you for a moment, but you persevere. You stay with it. And when you do, you become airborne. Life...
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New Heaven & New Earth
Tell me what you think the New Age is. Anyone? … Being non-judgmental. How many of you here think you do not judge? Anyone? Ah, tis a...
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Out of the Blue
"Have you ever wondered why certain people come into your life at certain times? Have you ever wondered where, out of the blue almost, it...
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The Gift
"Participant: Consciously we may say, 'I really want to get rid of something!' but subconsciously our will is still hanging on. How can...
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Instrument of Love
“Prayer is the sounding of that voice of the Child unto God, the parent. It is that sound that is the bell clarity, the harmony, the...
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Requirements for Meditation
"Now prayer is lifting and tuning in to your higher self. Meditation is the repose of prayer. Every aspect of you becomes still and you...
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"How do you love someone and not be attached to them? Purely, totally, absolutely without fear. You can be so in love with someone that...
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Making Decisions
"How many of you trust yourselves? You feel you're trustworthy? You feel if you decide to do something you can be depended upon to carry...
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Uncomplicated Life
"People ask why is the earth the way it is? ...Why is there deadly diseases? Why do little children be born to have cancer and die? Why?...
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