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Using Your Spirituality
“You have evolved to the point where you want to know things that are not earthly. You want to know how you can better your lives through...
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A Profound Lesson
"When you were aware of only the God of you and the God of all things, that...ah, eons of time ago, before you chose to separate yourself...
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Prayer & How to be Joyous
Jesus: "Prayer is answered the moment it is expressed. People have this idea that you have to wait a long time for prayer to answer....
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What the Soul Records
"Yeshua: Now if you recognize when and how to go to your higher self to accomplish something or to understand something, call on the Holy...
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Being A True Healer
"Being truth means you recognize all of those exrternal worlds, and you also know that you have the power to not partake of it. You can...
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Death & Dying to the Old Ways
"When you ‘die’ to old ways, it frequently becomes a matter of sorrow. You feel you have lost something that could never be replaced and...
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Balance Social Consciousness
“This (your thinking) forms a trend of thought which becomes solid with every entity who feeds it, and every entity is touched by it,...
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Key to Asking in Prayer
"The true way to ask is to come unto the consciousness of the acceptance of that which you desire. For when you ask in an attitude of...
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What is a Child of God?
"'Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the Sons of God.' ...The 'peacemakers' - those who have the ability to be totally...
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Spirit and Soul Interaction
"The center of you is your Spirit. It is very much like the center of a wheel, the hub of a wheel. The information in your Spirit is God...
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Why Wait?
"Even as this life (a pointsettia) is made manifest in this beauty, once it was a seed planted beneath the soil, not seen with eyes....
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Merging Differences
"So, because we will be dealing with the Spirit Self of you, you are going to have to be in your Spirit Self consciousness. Now, your...
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Changing A Habit
"Here is the key: When you know you are facing that old habit, stop yourself and say, 'I know this is the old habit exercising its energy...
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Creating with Intent
"Now, when you create an intent - let us say it is a wonderous idea for something, something you greatly desire - you create your intent...
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Significance of Others in Life
"Now, let me tell you something...everyone chooses what comes into their life. It would appear that the actions of the parents have a...
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What is the Akashic Record?
"The Soul is your individualized personal portion of the Akashic Record. The Akashic Record can be termed to be the memory of God; and...
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Five Dimensions of Reality
"The first dimension ... It would be like a singular line that goes from this direction to that direction, nowhere else. Two-dimensional...
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How to Uncreate
"Cease your judging. Pray for and expect healing in your government. Pray for and expect the right person to come into power. Who puts...
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Releasing Yourself from Bonds with Others
"When you are in a difficulty, it usually involves another person, or sometimes more than one person, and your tendency to blame rises up...
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Why bad things happen to good people?
"I give you another mystery. You have been taught to say, ‘All things are good, even in the face of seeming not good.’ And you say, ‘I...
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