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Overcoming Injustice
"You are perceiving a situation of injustice, are you not? The anger that you are pouring into that adds to the injustice. You are making...
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Meditation is Key
"In your meditations, there is no such thing as a bad meditation. There is no such thing as a meditation that doesn't bring you where you...
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Do Something About War
"...There is another way of dealing with karma and that ...takes a lot of letting go, releasing, and allowing, and that is to recognize...
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Karma and Our Belief System
"Questioner: As a result of our spiritual journey, you indicated that we can reject the idea that karma has any power over us. Can we do...
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Surrender and Repose
Questioner: What I find is that I understand surrender and I can do that. There is the immediate release, and then you are in repose. It...
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Today's Children & Allergies
"One of the things that is going to be manifesting in people as this new spirituality becomes inherent with them and is being used is...
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New Heaven, New Earth
“You have heard that it is written in your Scripture that there is a new heaven and a new earth. The new heaven is the consciousness of...
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Anger and Depression
"Anger is a strange thing, It wears many faces and one of those faces is depression. ...One of the symptoms of depression is a lack of...
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Jesus and the Christ
"I want to speak to you of the Christ. You see, when Jesus came to be the Christ, he came with a knowingness of what he had to attain,...
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The Christ
"The Christ is an integral part of the beingness of the spirit of you that is buried or is not awakened as one comes into the earth, into...
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Your Part
"You teach the world around you by how you live your personal life whether it be from a perspective of love, sharing, and caring or from...
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Recreating Our World
"There is not a soul of you here who does not think of Mother Earth in terms that are degrading. The weather is terrible. The government...
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Shadow World
"The Shadow World is that which you call the earth and lower astral awareness. It was created by the ego when your mind became dual and...
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Sharing One's Beliefs
"Questioner: It is not their (i.e. family's) approval I seek. I want to share this bounty of my beliefs. Gabriel: When they are ready,...
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Energy - Good or Bad
“Now energy, by its very nature, is very benign. It is not… it does not have a mind of its own. In other words, it goes… energy will...
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Spiritual Intent
“We don’t realize that everything in the physical world is a result of what we are thinking and feeling. What we are doing is reaching...
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Spiritually Powerful
“Physical situations are always dealt with from a spiritual perspective by angels, always, without fail. It doesn’t matter whether it is...
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Learn from the Animals
"When you are judging, you are… perceiving something as being out of touch with the Father. In other words, you are perceiving it as...
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Fears and Finances
"Participant: When we prepare to do our prayers and meditation, my understanding of what you are saying is that our fears will come up...
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Using Your Tools
"I am trying to point out to you that these things, the Christ’s love, are very real and they are part of your Spiritual Self. Now you...
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