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Joy & Wisdom
“You must understand: joyfulness is an integral part of everything that you do in the spirit world. Nothing in the spirit world, in terms...
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Communicating with Our Teachers
"When you leave the physical form behind, in what you perceive to be death, your energy expands. Everyone walks about in a… I guess I...
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Our Future World
"Mother Earth has tolerated for centuries the rape and murder of her very livingness. Now, she has decided to fight back. Her method of...
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Guilt & Self-Punishment
“First of all, you can’t do it wrong (i.e. grow spiritually). That is something that is very difficult for humankind to accept because...
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Subconscious Mind
"The subconscious mind of you governs your physical form. If it did not, you would have to concentrate on your heart to make it beat. You...
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Life's Three Companions
"What is truth to one is not necessarily truth to another. This does not take away the value of that truth at all. Two people can live in...
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Connected to At-One-Ment
“Since you are so good at creating, I am going to ask you to use your creative imagination. I want you to pretend, just close your eyes,...
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Answer to Your Prayers
"Nonetheless, the point is that your prayers are always answered. When you ask for things of an Earthly nature, they are always answered...
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Your Perception
"When you draw your thoughts from the outside, when you become unaware of your perceptions - unaware that you are sitting in a chair,...
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"Questioner: When you talk about being free, there are many people in this world who don’t have the freedom to do whatever they want to...
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All-Encompassing Love
"It matters not how much another loves you. If you do not love you, another's love to you is useless, for you do not absorb it. If you...
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Your True Value
"Let us examine love and forgiveness for a moment. Love is the recognition of the true value of the self. Now what is your true value? Is...
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"Participant: Gabriel, I'd like to go into the Bible. Are we going to have Armageddon...the last great battle, or is that passe now?...
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Powerful Cleansing Agent
"Forgiving Yourself and forgiving others does not mean that you agree with what was done, it simply means that you do not care to hold...
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Ways We Attack Ourselves
"Before I taught this day, I took it upon myself to go about into the mass consciousness in order that I might better understand how...
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Your Soul
“You say, ‘Lord God of your being,’ and you do not know what that is. But I will solve the mystery for you that you might know what you...
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Jesus the Rebel
“He (Jesus) broke the rules. He did as best as he could in his time to desegregate, to bring unity. He honored everyone, everyone. What...
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"How think you that the Master Jesus became the Christ? He wasn’t born the Christ. He was born with the potential to be the Christ. But...
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Now, reality is that which is… it is that which exists, lives, expresses. It is that which never varies and yet is ever-changing. It is...
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The Source of Your Anger
Questioner: If… you are still holding onto the anger or to the fear of whatever, does one have to really examine the source of that?...
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