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Perception of Failure
"Do not limit yourselves by saying, 'If this doesn't happen, that will fail.' The Father does not regard things in that manner... That is...
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About Abundance
"Remember, abundance is not only money and physical things. Abundance is an abundance of knowing, an abundance of love, an abundance of...
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"Miracles are an everyday experience. Miracles are not something out of the ordinary. They are not something that happens now and then. A...
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No Judgement Day
"Every thought you think, every word you speak, every deed you do is known to God. And God does not judge you. There is no Judgement Day,...
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Pain and Sorrow
"There is nowhere that you can go where God is not. nowhere. Even in the deepest, darkest sorrow of your being, there is God holding you,...
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Boring Peace?
"A lot of you think that peace is boring. No, it isn't because in the stillness of peace all things become." 09/08/2023 Blog. Archangel...
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"Whatever part of the body is affected, look to that chakra and its meaning and this will give you some indication of what your problem...
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Caution Re: Akashic Records
"I want you to realize that the Akashic records contains a lot, mostly truth, but it also records the error perceptions. So just because...
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Learning from Soul Memory
"Yeshua: When you keep the learning experience, you just take in the lesson you learned from that experience but you don't have to keep...
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"Intuition is the voice of God inside of you talking to you and telling you and guiding you every moment of your earthly expression and...
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To Grow Spiritually
"If you're going to grow spiritually, you've got to get out of your lower self and into your higher self because only your higher self is...
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Encountering Your Ego
"Participant: order to slay your ego, you love whoever you might have difficulty with and you pray for them and you lift them up to...
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Changing Society's Thinking
"Say in a powerful voice...'I and my Father are one!" Again! ...Now, if you did this every day... many times as day. Feel it, experience...
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Changing Your Dreams
"Now, whatever you are dreaming you can know is an issue that is within you that you must deal with. Some dreams are prophetic. Because...
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Being the Truth
Yeshua: "What is being the truth? Don: Well it's being centered in who you are at the moment and knowing that we are a child of God....
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Receiving God's Gifts
"Now, the only thing a person has to do to receive all of these things (i.e. gifts) is to be open to it. Now, what do I mean by being...
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When There is Healing
"Now, when there is healing - and you listen to this closely please - when there is healing, it is of the mind, for the body will give...
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I Surrender
"You get to a point where after a bit, you give up. If you were to switch that attitude from 'I give up' to 'I surrender,' then you may...
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Soul's Energy
"The Soul is an energy that is absorbent. ...Most energies are energies of action; they give out. [That is, their movement is outwardly.]...
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Being Truth
"...That kind of thinking causes you to believe that anything out there can 'attack' you. Whenever you believe that anything of a...
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