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Stay or Go?
"Has it occurred to you that you might say, ‘Dear Father, please help me to know. I thank you for my knowingness.’ Then you will know...
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Intuition or Ego?
“Participant: …Can you tell us where our ego is centered? Is it from some place higher? Gabriel: No. It is part of the solar plexus. It...
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About The Lord’s Prayer
“So this prayer is the affirming of all that you require while on the earth. It satisfies every outward need and comforts the internal...
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Someone to Love
"The purpose of having someone to love is to give you the opportunity to feel how God loves you from your own feelings for that person."...
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Letting Go & Meditation
"Letting go of your fears, beloveds, is the greatest challenge that you will ever meet, for you have birthed them, nurtured them, fed...
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Action and Repose
"All of nature is action and repose, is it not? Everything has its time for doing and its time for not doing. The tide comes in and goes...
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"Fear and love cannot dwell in the same dwelling. They cannot come and they do not live together, for one will drive out the other. If...
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Root Chakra
"The root chakra operates most strongly in its area, which is at the base of the spine, but its influence also travels up the etheric and...
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Spiritual Evolution
"Participant: So, in other words, in every life, we're a little more evolved? Gabriel: Oh yes, you are. You never go backward. You never...
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Trust Yourelf
"Start with little things that are easy and most of all, most of all, I beseech you, Beloved Woman, learn to trust yourself. You don't...
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Doing Our Best
"Remember, everybody is doing the best they know how at the moment. And everyone is giving to you as you are giving to them exactly what...
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Our Free Will
"Human beings are the only ones who were created with free will. ...We (angels) are never allowed to interfere with free will of human...
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The Highest Law
"...You will recognize that everything, with no exceptions, is proceeding exactly as it is supposed to for the results to be
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Life Essence and Fears
"Just because something is not able to move about does not mean that it does not have life. ...Going past form into the life essence is...
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To Know = Your Intent
"As you consciously tune into your abstract mind, and to the higher consciousness of you, you add to your intent. Now, remember: Your...
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Our Leaders
"It is good for you to know that these people who come to the earth plane with the idea of leadership are very special souls in a sense...
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True Discernment
"Now that is true discernment, it is when you can meet an extremely difficult situation that has mixed blessings, and still not get into...
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"When you are enlightened, you are living in time and at the same time you are in timelessness, just as you are in space and you are not...
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The Christ Essence
"When humankind was in At-one-ment with the Father, it knew the Christ. It was the Christ. But fear entered in. In the creative...
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Do Something Different
“Remember, at any point you can change your mind and do something different. At any point you can take control of your life. From you...
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