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Your Life Plan
Before you come to earth, you gather with people who are going to interact with you in your life, You say to them, "I would like the...
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As soon as you decide that something has to be either good or bad, you have lost the connection of the balance from within. The moment...
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What is Love?
"Love is the feeling of benevolence poured from one to another, from you to another, the desire that the other's good is foremost in your...
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"Karma is always based on guilt. If you have no guilt, you have no karma. Karma is created by guilt." - Archangel Gabriel, KARMA AND...
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Holy Spirit
You have to know: The Holy Spirit only comes when invited. It doesn't come barging in with flags flying and swords drawn. If you take a...
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Your Thoughts
“Everything that will happen to you, for you, from you – is already in the ethers. That’s how we know. And it all is based upon decisions...
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“You will ever find you will place in leadership those who can best test your ability to find your truth. Notice I didn’t say they would...
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Healing Earth
“Surround your continent, from the within of it, with a powerful light, a cleansing light. Let there be cleansing. And then follow it...
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“Emptiness is the awareness that the only thing there is, is God.” - Nq-on Kar, THE GIFTS OF OUR MISTAKES Audio Lesson (Image by kieu...
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“Non-attachment means that you have such perfect trust in the gift of God, which is perfect love, that it never occurs to you that...
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The Ego
"Now, in its true perspective, as the ego is transformed, then it becomes your servant, but until it becomes your servant as it was...
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“When you have come to the point in your evolvement when you can say from the bottom of your heart, “I bear no ill will. No man owes me...
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Key to Not Worrying
"In those times when your worrying was the deepest, did it ever occur to you to turn your thinking right around and say, "I am not a...
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Holy Connection
"The Holy Spirit is responsible for keeping you and God connected because it is through the Holy Spirit that you make your way back in...
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You are Love
"The love that is in you now is more vast, more limitless, more unbounded than any sky that you could imagine. How many of you here - and...
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Your Self
“Meditate upon your Self, listen to it, become familiar with it. Become one with it and the personality will fade and you will manifest...
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The Source
“Love, compassion and wisdom, these are the source of inner power and so more love, compassion and wisdom is the fruit of such a life; a...
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"For if you do not recognize the family of God in the brotherhood of man, if you continue thinking yourself separate and apart because of...
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Inner Power
“The way to inner power is not desire, it is alignment with the Tao* or Will of God, knowing the Self and being one with it, and...
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Negative to Positive
"Even an event that appears negative can be easily changed if the attitude held to is cheerful and positive. The affirmation, "This has...
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