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Monkey Mind
“The mind is always moving. Even when you’re asleep, your mind is busy. To meditate, without having your mind get in there and talk to...
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"Suppose you’re a soul who tried to make everything alright, even when it isn’t. How it appears to others is very important. In truth, it...
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Me Time
"Now we come to people who have more things to do in a day than they know what to do. You know there is an old saying… A man was standing...
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Morning Affirmation
"Proclaim upon awakening at least once but three or four times is better: 'I am spirit and I am active on the physical plane. Everything...
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“So when you recognize… And I know you all can recognize when the ego has you by the hind end, you all know it. Instead of playing along...
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True Detachment
“Detachment is that you are not caught in the web of the outcome of any situation. Why? Because you trust God to bring forth only what is...
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Helping Others
“What if you are a person who always helps whoever it is no matter what or who they are? You do a lot of good for a lot of people, but...
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Abstract Mind
"The abstract mind works in the fifth dimension. Most of the time it works from there. It has access to it. It is through the abstract...
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Really Enough
“A woman walked up to Miriam … and said, ‘I want to thank you for what you said to me. I never thought about my daughter being met by...
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Why Are You Here?
“I know a lot of you wonder, ‘Why would we come to earth and live certain kinds of lives that do not seem to be happy or productive?’...
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Standing Up for Yourself
"What about the idea that other people are more important than yourself? That is a falsity. I know most religions teach you that you...
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You Always Know...
“Unconsciously and abstractly, you always know the Will of God. When you align your will with the Will of God, it simply means that you...
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“Justice actually means an equality of quality for all concerned. What is good for one should be good for all. Where there are benefits...
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Your Purpose
“Everyone, when they were breathed forth, was breathed forth with an innate purpose… Earth experience after earth experience, you...
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“You do not gain God. You already have God. You…how might I put this? Your spirituality is not something you are progressing toward. You...
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Never Alone
"Remember, Beloved Woman, you are never alone even though it appear you to be. You have angels at your command even as he (Jesus) had....
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Chanting Om
"The earlier in the day the better (i.e. to chant Om). The reason being that while most of the consciousness of humankind is sleeping,...
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Reaching Others
“Learn to think how they are thinking and then you will know what words to choose. That is why the Master, when he was talking with...
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Channeled Teachings
“You must remember, Beloved Woman, all the groups are working on different rates of vibration, not necessarily one better than the other...
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Communicating with Higher Self
“Most people find it easy to be aware of themselves as a spiritual being for a few moments at a time, but very few are able to do it...
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