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True Teaching
"To tell another this is how it is, is not teaching. Telling another this is what I have discovered, this is what I know within me, that...
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Key to Your Freedom
"Whether it is a driver that cuts in front of you or someone from your past who beat the daylights out of you when you were little, it...
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Guide Me
"Just say, 'Holy Spirit, guide me to my highest good.' Then know that whatever action you take is for your highest good even though it...
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Angel of Death
Q.: Is there an angel of death for real? Gabriel: Well, there are probably about seven million of them. There is not just a single one…...
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"Flexibility means going with the flow of something. When something takes a turn in a certain direction, unless that direction is...
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Taking Action
"Now, here's what taking an action does. It firmly sets in your subconscious mind a direction, a direction that you are going in. Now,...
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Curious Spirits
"Your Spirits are very very curious. They know everything in the terms of knowing, understanding the laws of God, the power of this,...
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Merry Christmas
Archangel Gabriel appeared to Mary announcing that she was with Child We [spirits] celebrate Christmas differently over here. We...
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Our Fantasies
" Participant: Did you say that the Soul also records all our fantasies - as well as the real experiences? Gabriel: But, your fantasies...
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Location of the Soul
"The Soul is not contained in the body. It interpenetrates it, but it is around the outside as well. ...The Soul is attached at the...
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Miracle of Birth
"The spirit of you is from God. ...Any birthing is a miracle. Whether God created the body specifically or whether the body is the result...
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Do Souls Evolve?
"Questioner: You said that reincarnation is a fact. With every lifetime, do we evolve a little more each time? Gabriel: Oh, yes, you do....
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Circle of Energy
"How can you encompass your world in love, when you find the center of your world - you - unlovable? You cannot. You cannot receive from...
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St. Francis of Assisi
"You had among you on your Earth plane a teacher, Francis of Assisi. He went about and preached to the trees and to the flowers and to...
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Annoying Situations
"You get into situations that are very annoying and you have to deal with them, some of you on a daily basis. What happens then? Then you...
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Most Valuable Truth
"Daily meditation is the most valuable spiritual truth that you can live. For only in that will you come to know the Father and thus to...
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Unconditional Self Love
"You must practice unconditional love. I want you to concentrate on unconditional love of yourself because it is something that you will...
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Your Stillness
"Do not be afraid to do nothing. Remember that, for all of you are of a nature to rush out and do something. Sometimes it is best to just...
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How Meditation Affects Us
"When you return to your bodies (i.e. after meditating) you bring back with you not a memory, for memory is an illusion, but a knowing ....
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"I want to talk about guilt because you all have it. That is one of the strongest ploys the ego uses – is to make you feel guilty. And it...
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