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"Human beings are...very competitive! And if you believe that you must out do someone else, you are diluting the pureness of the energy you are using and you are bringing in that negative thing. ...You are casting a negative vibration toward the other person. In other words, your whole idea is to beat them at something. ... you are placing a mode of limitation upon the other person in the ethers and trying to go forth in positiveness for yourself. Now you can't! Because what you have done... you have taken this pure energy and divided it. On one part you want something not good to happen to them and something very wonderful to happen to you....So, removing a feeling of competitiveness within yourself is very important because if you feel that you must beat the other person... then you are bringing that vibration back upon yourself. Know you how I taught you that whatever you send out comes back."

03/26/2025 Blog. Archangel Gabriel, CONSCIOUSLY PLANNING YOUR LIFE, Pgs. 41-42. Copyright 2016 Sacred Garden Fellowship. All rights reserved. To purchase this book, please click on this link.


“The Universal Laws constantly work whether or not you are aware of them and whether or not you consciously use them. They do not cease their purpose because of either man’s ignorance or laziness. Like the Wheel of Karma, they grind exceedingly small and precise. The acquisition of knowledge, not followed by the manifestation and expression of Action, is a foolish and dangerous thing. This is how you get what you don’t want.”

03/24/2025 Blog. Rev. Penny Donovan, MOONLIGHT WISDOM – NIGHT LESSONS FROM MY TEACHERS, October 14, 2017, Solomon, Pg. 47. Copyright 2018 Rev. Penny Donovan. All rights reserved. Photo: (c) Starblue |

"You all have been taught in some way that there comes a Judgement Day when God assesses you and either casts you out or forgives and takes you in.

Since the spirit of you was created in the image and likeness of God, it is that God aspect of you that does the assessing, and this has already begun when you first decided to descend into form and create an ego whose voice you would hear instead of God’s. The death of the form you occupy is the symbol of the multiple deaths you pass through. What is in you that is the product of error behavior – whether in thought or in action – that is not worthy of the Kingdom of God must ‘die.’ In other words, be cast from your active consciousness since it is not the truth of you.

Slowly, one by one, these errors are revealed to you as the learning experiences in each incarnation. They are seen by internal God and are cast out and these ‘deaths’ produce an awareness that an internal change has taken place within you. This manifests in many ways, such as an unexplainable sadness and dissatisfaction with your current circumstances. You become sad, irritable, restless, desire a change even if you can’t name it. Just as a child outgrows its garments and must have new ones, so you outgrow your old beliefs and seek new ones.

Perhaps you read a book, hear a lecture, have a dream, or in some way seek more, you will make some kind of change in your life. It could be as simple as moving to a new dwelling place, getting a new job, getting a divorce. You may not see it as a spiritual change for many years or never while in the flesh, but there has been a death and a rebirth within you. You have gone through a personal Judgement Day, and the old, no-longer-usable aspect of you has been cast out to make room for the new.

It happens many times in one incarnation and still happens in the lower realms and with some people in the mid realms of the spirit world. The God within you will not be stifled forever. Like a baby bird breaks out of its shell by steadfastly pecking away at it, so the spirit of you continually seeks its freedom of expression and it will emerge no matter the circumstances or time it takes.

Many of the ‘deaths’ of old ways can and do appear as tragedies, but all are your spirit ending errors and finding its voice and demanding its freedom.

-- Peace –

03/23/2025 Blog. Rev. Penny Donovan, MOONLIGHT WISDOM – NIGHT LESSONS FROM MY TEACHERS, September 18, 2017, Yeshua, Judgement Day, Pgs. 31-32. Copyright 2018 Rev. Penny Donovan. All rights reserved. Photo: ID 30471080 | Chick Egg © Brett Critchley |

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