"Human beings are...very competitive! And if you believe that you must out do someone else, you are diluting the pureness of the energy you are using and you are bringing in that negative thing. ...You are casting a negative vibration toward the other person. In other words, your whole idea is to beat them at something. ... you are placing a mode of limitation upon the other person in the ethers and trying to go forth in positiveness for yourself. Now you can't! Because what you have done... you have taken this pure energy and divided it. On one part you want something not good to happen to them and something very wonderful to happen to you....So, removing a feeling of competitiveness within yourself is very important because if you feel that you must beat the other person... then you are bringing that vibration back upon yourself. Know you how I taught you that whatever you send out comes back."
03/26/2025 Blog. Archangel Gabriel, CONSCIOUSLY PLANNING YOUR LIFE, Pgs. 41-42. Copyright 2016 Sacred Garden Fellowship. All rights reserved. To purchase this book, please click on this link.